Saturday, 19 January 2013

Rain Words... I still have a long way to go...

Post by mina07 at The Cloud

English translation by 화니 

"I've never wavered from my desired goal. I might well regret it later, but I don't have time for such triviality - I don't care through good and evil report - because there are good opportunities for me and I still have a long way to go.
How I would achieve a successful outcome is more important than a thousand words..."

Spanish Translation by Lili Cloud

"Jamás me he alejado de mi meta a alcanzar, puede que me arrepienta más adelante, pero no tengo tiempo para tales trivialidades -No le presto atención a los artículos, buenos o malos- porque hay buenas oportunidades para mi y todavia me queda mucho camino por recorrer.
Cómo logre un resultado exitoso es más importante que mil palabras..."

Romanian Translation by Benghi Serif

"Niciodata nu m-am clintit in sccopul de a-mi atinge telul.Probabil voi regreta mai tarziu,dar nu am timp pentru asa banalitati.Nu imi pasa de rapoarte bune sau rele despre mine-pentru ca sunt ocazii bune pentru mine si mai am mult drum de parcurs.Cum voi reusi sa am un rezultat exceptional este mult mai important decat o mie de cuvinte..."

Indonesian Translation by RLC

RAIN: "Saya tidak pernah goyah dengan tujuan saya. Mungkin saya akan menyesal nanti, tapi saya tidak punya waktu untuk hal sepele semacam itu - Saya tidak peduli dengan berita baik dan buruk - karena ada kesempatan yang baik bagi saya dan jalan saya masih panjang. Bagaimana saya bisa sukses adalah lebih penting daripada seribu kata." - Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan Newsen.

(Note: It is not known when the interview with Newsen was conducted and when exactly Rain said this words)

1 comment:

  1. "Endless Patience,Endless Endurance,Endless Modesty" -Fighting!!!
