PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! This is being provided as a service to keep Clouds informed when possible of news regarding RAIN. You should remember that there has been no official word from any staff of RAIN regarding this announcement by Cube CEO Hong Seung-Sung. As a soldier, RAIN is not allowed to perform personal interviews.
RAIN and MBLAQ have been under different agency/management since January 2010. Each went their separate way but continue to support each other on a personal level.
Since October 2011 RAIN has been a free agent meaning he has been under no agency at all. Not JT Camp, not JYPE....none, zip, zero. RAIN has not been managing anyone either. RAIN has been serving his country since October 11, 2011.
We must remember that RAIN's career is his business....his and his alone.
Cube Entertainment Notice
English Translation:
Source : Cube Entertainment
Hello. I’m Hong Seung-Sung.
Now, prior to a second embark of a long companion of mine, I’m here to deliver my thankful greetings to those who always welcome each and everyone’s start of the journey. Just like health and the the spring sunshine, I wish for a spring filled with warm loves. To me, the spring season gives me special warm memories, uncontrollable excitements and electricity.
In particular, Rain who held his debut stage on someday in May 2002, and even becoming a global star beyond just an Asia star, had given me a memory so exciting that I can never hide. After that, I had spent many shiny Springs.
During this period, we have became walking sticks to each other, sometimes not forgetting advises, slowly developing as friends, and have made each other happy. And in Spring of 2013, Rain and Hong Seung-Sung have once again stood together before the new starting line.
At first, while coaching Rain to stand on stage, I had premonitions that today would come. A different Rain, and bringing Jung Ji Hoon to stand taller, gaining his source of self confidence. Artists themselves keep the harshest and cold yardstick close to them. At some times, I admire Rain’s nature that does not settle at reality, and looked after him as a producer as well as a friend.
Rain who was tagged the many ‘firsts’ – singer, actor and producer during this time, and the strength of Rain who knows no boundaries, will be unfolding the second phase starting from now, and to once again prove himself.
About 11 years ago, I met a teenager with a gaze that is filled with flames. He’s more passionate than anyone else. He, who had worked diligently without knowing the harshness and darkness of the outside world, has roared the world like a tiger. That tiger has now turned 30 years old, and is still holding the throne despite the fierce wildlife.
Rain and I, who had cast and trained Rain, will be ripping off the glamorous pages of history, and look forward to a new and different future. Despite various proposals about Rain,we are determined to start off with the original intentions again. With a committed heart, we shall walked hand in hand.
In other sense, I would like to express my grateful heart to Rain for repaying me by joining forces together. Like his trainee era and even 10 years later, my friend, Rain whom is filled with passion, and as his companion, we will prepare for more days in the future.
In addition, in order to repay Rain who gave his non-stop love and support, we promise to bring him a beautiful legacy with every step taken. In the future too, I, sincerest of all sincerity, hope to be your companion for a long time. I’m always thankful for you who walk with me even for every steep steps.
[Available below in Indonesian, Romanian, Spanish and Korean.]
BACALAH DENGAN SEKSAMA! Tulisan ini dibuat supaya Clouds tetap update dengan keadaan RAIN saat ini jika ada berita lain tentang RAIN. Anda harus ingat bahwa belum ada pernyataan resmi dari staf RAIN mengenai pengumuman yang dikeluarkan oleh CEO Cube Hong Seung Sung. Sebagai seorang prajurit, RAIN tidak diperkenankan untuk melakukan wawancara pribadi.
RAIN dan MBLAQ telah berada di bawah agensi /manajemen yang berbeda sejak Januari 2010. Masing-masing dengan jalan mereka sendiri namun tetap saling mendukung secara pribadi.
Sejak Oktober 2011 RAIN telah menjadi agen bebas artinya dia tidak berada di bawah agensi manapun. Tidak di JT Camp, tidak di JYPE .... tidak dimana-mana, tidak samasekali. RAIN juga belum memanage siapa pun. RAIN telah masuk wajib militer sejak 11 Oktober 2011.
Kita harus ingat bahwa karir RAIN adalah urusannya .... dan adalah urusannya sendiri.
Cube Entertainment Pengumuman
English Translation:
Sumber: Cube Entertainment
Hello. Saya Hong Seung Sung.
Sekarang, sebelum sahabat lama saya memulai perjalanan karirnya yang kedua, saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada mereka yang selalu menyambut setiap orang yang memulai perjalanan mereka. Sama halnya dengan kesehatan dan sinar matahari musim semi, saya berdoa untuk musim semi yang penuh dengan cinta yang hangat. Bagi saya, musim semi memberi saya kenangan hangat yang istimewa, kegembiraan yang luar biasa dan energi.
Secara khusus, Rain yang memulai debutnya pada suatu hari dibulan Mei 2002, dan bukan hanya menjadi bintang Asia, dia bahkan berhasil menjadi bintang dunia, telah memberi saya kenangan yang sangat menarik yang tidak dapat saya sembunyikan. Setelah itu, saya telah melewati banyak musim semi yang cemerlang.
Selama periode ini, kami telah saling mendukung satu sama lain, saling memberi saran, perlahan menjadi sahabat, dan saling membahagiakan. Dan di musim semi tahun 2013, Rain dan Hong Seung Sung sekali lagi bersama-sama sebelum memulai awal yang baru.
Pada awalnya, saat melatih Rain untuk berdiri di panggung, saya punya firasat bahwa hari ini akan tiba. Seorang Rain yang berbeda, dan membawa Jung Ji Hoon untuk berdiri lebih tinggi lagi, dan mencapai sumber rasa percaya dirinya. Para artis selalu mengingat saat terberat sebagai patokan bagi mereka. Kadang-kadang saya mengagumi sifat Rain yang tidak gampang puas pada keadaan, dan menjaganya sebagai seorang produser dan juga sebagai seorang sahabat.
Rain yang banyak memiliki ‘pengalaman pertama’ – penyanyi, aktor dan produser selama ini, dan kekuatan Rain yang tidak mengenal batas, akan memulai tahap kedua karirnya mulai dari sekarang, dan sekali lagi membuktikan dirinya.
Sekitar 11 tahun yang lalu, saya bertemu seorang remaja dengan tatapan mata yang penuh semangat. Dia lebih bersemangat dari siapapun. Dia, yang telah bekerja dengan tekun tanpa tahu keras dan gelapnya dunial luar, mencapai sukses di dunia seperti seekor harimau yang mengaum. Harimau itu kini telah berusia 30 tahun, dan masih memegang tahta terlepas dari kerasnya dunia.
Rain dan saya, yang telah meng-casting dan melatih Rain, akan menorehkan sejarah baru, dan menyongsong masa depan yang luar biasa. Terlepas dari berbagai tawaran untuk Rain, kami bertekad untuk memulai dengan tujuan awal lagi. Dengan hati yang berkomitment, kami akan melangkah bersama.
Dengan kata lain, saya ingin menyampaikan rasa terima kasih dari hati saya kepada Rain untuk bergabung bersama saya. Sama seperti masa training dulu dan bahkan setelah 10 tahun berlalu, sahabat saya, Rain yang penuh dengan semangat, dan sebagai rekannya, kami akan pempersiapkan hari-hari mendatang di masa depan.
Selain itu, untuk membalas Rain yang telah memberikan cinta dan dukungan tanpa henti, kami berjanji untuk membawanya pada warisan yang indah dalam setiap langkah yang diambil. Di masa mendatang juga, saya, dengan hati yang tulus, berharap untuk menjadi sahabat Anda untuk waktu yang lama. Saya selalu bersyukur karena Anda selalu berjalan bersama saya bahkan pada setiap langkah yang sulit.
VA RUGAM SA CITITI CU ATENTIE! Acest lucru este atribuit ca un service pentru a tine Clouds informati cu stiri noi in legatura cu RAIN.Ar trebui sa tineti minte ca nu a fost dat nici un anunt oficial din partea echipei lui RAIN in legatura cu acest anunt al Cube CEO Hong Seung -Sung.Ca soldat,RAIN,nu are voie sa acorde interviuri.
RAIN si MBLAQ au fost in agentii diferite inca din Ianuarie 2010.Fiecare a mers pe drumul sau dar au continuat sa se sustina personal.
Din Octombrie 2011,RAIN a devenit un agent liber,adica nu a avut contract cu nici o agentie.Nu JTune Camp,nu JYPE…deloc,niciuna,zero.Si RAIN nu a condus pe nimeni.RAIN serveste pentru tara din 11 Octombrie,2011.
Trebuie sa tinem minte intotdeauna –cariera lui RAIN este afacerea lui…si numai a lui.
Anunt Cube Entertainment
Traducere in engleza:
Sursa: Cube Entertainment
Buna ziua,eu sunt Hong Seung –Sung
Acum,inainte de a demara cu un vechi companion de-al meu,sunt aici pentru a exprima multumirile tuturor celora care intotdeauna i-au binevenit pw fiecare in inceputul calatoriei lor. Ca si sanatatea si razele primaverii,va doresc o primavara plina de iubiri calde. Pentru mine,sezonul primaverii imi da o senzatie speciala de amintiri calde, bucurii incontrolabile si electricitate.
In particular, RAIN, care si-a avut debutul intr-o zi din Mai 2002,si chiar devenind un star global, nu numai in Asia, mi-a creat o amintire atat de fericita ca nu o pot ascunde.
In timpul acestei perioade,noi am devenit sprijinul unui celuilalt,cateodata neuitand sfaturi,incet devenind prieteni si am fost fericiti.Si in primavara lui 2013 RAIN si Hong Seung-Sung au stat inca o data impreuna inaintea liniei de start.
La inceput, in timp ce il antrenam pe RAIN sa stea pe scena,aveam premonitii ca ziua de azi va veni. Un RAIN diferit,si aducandu-l pe Jung Ji Hoon sa stea mai inalt,castigandu-si sursa lui de incredere. Artistii insisi isi tin cele mai aprige etaloane aproape de ei. De multe ori ii admir natura lui RAIN de a nu se rezuma la realitate, si l-am vegheat atat ca producator cat si ca prieten.
RAIN care a fost etichetat de multi “primi”-cantaret,actor si producator in acest timp,si puterea lui RAIN care nu cunoaste limite,va deschide o a doua faza incepand de acum,si inca o data a se demonstra lui insusi.
In jur de acum 11 ani, am cunoscut un adolescent cu o privire plina de flacari.Este mult mai pasionat decat oricine. El, care a muncit cu sarguinta fara a cunoaste duritatea si intunericul lumii de afara, a racnit in lume ca un tigru. Acel tigru a implinit acum 30 de ani si inca detine tronul in ciuda ferocei salbaticii.
RAIN si cu mine, care l-am auditionat si antrenat pe RAIN, vom rupe fascinantele pagini ale istoriei si ne vom uita cu nerabdare la un viitor nou si diferit. In ciuda variatelor propuneri despre RAIN, noi suntem determinati sa incepem din nou cu intentiile originale. Cu inima deschisa,vom merge mana in mana.
Cu alte cuvinte as vrea sa-mi exprim inima recunoscatoare lui RAIN in a ma rasplati prin a ne uni fortele. Ca si in zilele lui ca incepator, si chiar dupa 10 ani mai tarziu, prietenul meu RAIN, care este plin de pasiune, si ca si companionul sau, ne vom pregati pentru mai multe zile in viitor.
Ca adaugare,pentru a-l rasplati pe RAIN care si-a dat non-stop dragostea si suportul sau, noi promitem in a-i aduce o frumoasa mostenire cu fiecare pas facut. Si in viitor, eu, sincer cu toata sinceritatea,sper sa fiu companionul tau pentru multa vreme. Iti sunt intotdeauna recunoscator pentru ca ai mers cu mine chiar si cu pasi abrupti.
POR FAVOR LEA CUIDADOSAMENTE! Esto se proporciona como un servicio para mantener los Clouds informados cuando sea posible las noticias sobre RAIN. Usted debe recordar que no ha habido ninguna palabra oficial de el personal de la RAIN sobre el anuncio de Cube CEO Hong Seung-Sung. Como soldado, RAIN no se le permite realizar entrevistas personales.
RAIN y MBLAQ han sido en diferentes agencias / gestión desde Enero de 2010. Cada uno se fue su camino por separado, pero que sigan apoyando uno al otro en un nivel personal.
Desde Octubre de 2011 RAIN ha sido un significado agente libre que no fue de ningún organismo en absoluto. No JT Camp,no JYP .... ninguno, zip,cero.RAIN no ha sido la gestión de nadie.RAIN ha estado sirviendo a su país desde el 11 de Octubre de 2011.
Debemos recordar que la carrera de RAIN es su negocio .... suya y sólo suya.
Cube Aviso Entretenimiento
Source : Cube Entertainment
Hola. Estoy Hong Seung-Sung.
Ahora,antes de emprender un segundo de una largo compañero mío, estoy aquí para ofrecer mi saludo agradecido a los que siempre dan la bienvenida a todos y comienzo de todo el mundo del viaje. Al igual que la salud y la del sol de primavera, deseo para una primavera llena de amores cálidos. Para mí,la temporada de primavera me da buenos recuerdos especiales, entusiasmos incontrolables y electricidad.
En particular,RAIN que mantuvo su etapa debut en algún día en Mayo de 2002,e incluso convertirse en una estrella mundial más allá de una estrella de Asia,me había dado un recuerdo tan emocionante que no puedo ocultar. Después de eso,habían pasado muchos resortes brillantes.
Durante este período,se ha convirtió en bastones entre sí,a veces no olvidar aconseja,de desarrollo lento como amigos,y han hecho felices a los demás. Y en la primavera de 2013,RAIN y Hong Seung Sung, estamos juntos antes de la nueva línea de salida.
Al principio,mientras que como entrenador de RAIN en el escenario,tuve premoniciones que hoy vendría. Un RAIN diferente,y con lo que Jung Ji Hoon esta más alto,ganando su fuente de confianza en uno mismo. Propios artistas mantienen el criterio más duro y frío cerca de ellos. En algunas ocasiones, admiro la naturaleza de RAIN que no se conforma a la realidad,y cuidó de él como productor, así como un amigo.
Claro que fue etiquetado de los muchos "primeros" - el cantante, actor y productor durante este tiempo, y la fuerza de RAIN,que no conoce fronteras,se desarrolla la segunda fase a partir de ahora,y para demonstrarse una vez más a sí mismo.
Hace unos 11 años,conocí a un adolescente con una mirada que está lleno de llamas.Él es más apasionado que nadie. Él, que había trabajado con diligencia y sin saber la dureza y la oscuridad del mundo exterior, ha rugido el mundo como un tigre. Ese tigre ahora ha cumplido los 30 años de edad,y aún se mantiene el trono a pesar de la intensa vida silvestre.
RAIN y yo,que había echado y entrenado a RAIN,se estafando a las páginas glamorosos de la historia,y mirar hacia un futuro nuevo y diferente. A pesar de las diversas propuestas sobre RAIN,estamos decididos a empezar con las intenciones originales de nuevo. Con un corazón comprometido,vamos a caminar de la mano.
En otro sentido,me gustaría expresar mi corazón agradecido a RAIN para mí pagar por la unión de fuerzas entre nosotros. Al igual que su época de alumno e incluso 10 años más tarde,mi amigo,Rain quien está lleno de pasión,y como su compañero,nos prepararemos para más días en el futuro.
Además, con el fin de devolver RAIN que dio su amor y apoyo sin parar,le prometemos que le trajera un bello legado con cada paso dado. También en el futuro,yo,más sincero de toda sinceridad,espero que sirva de ayuda por mucho tiempo.Siempre estoy agradecido por ti que caminas conmigo,incluso para cada empinados escalones.
Original notice in Korean
Source : Cube Entertainment
안녕하세요. 홍승성입니다
저의 오랜 동반자와의 두 번째 시작을 앞둔 지금,언제나 모든 시작을 함께 해주시는 여러분께 감사의 인사를 전합니다.건강과 봄햇살처럼 따스한 사랑이 가득한 봄이기를 기원합니다. 저에게 있어 봄이라는 계절이 주는 특별함은 따뜻한 기억이고,주체할 수 없는 설렘이며 도전입니다.
특히,2002년 5월은 어느덧 아시아를 넘어 세계적인 월드스타가 되기까지의 첫 걸음이 된 비의 데뷔무대가 있었던 때로 저에게는 생각만으로도 흥분을 감출 수 없는 봄의 기억입니다.그 이후로 여러 해의 반짝이는 봄이 지났습니다.
그 동안 서로에게 든든한 버팀목으로,때로는 따끔한 충고를 아끼지 않는 조력자이자 친구로 지내오며 점점 발전해가는 서로의 모습에 행복해 했습니다.그리고2013년의 봄,새로운 출발선 앞에 비와홍승성,함께 서 있습니다.
처음 비를 무대에 올려 세우며 오늘날의 그를 예감했던 그 때와는 또 다른 차원의 서포트로 세계무대 속의 비,Rain, 그리고 정지훈을 또 한번 우뚝 서게 하리라는 자신감의 근원입니다. 아티스트가스스로에게 가장 혹독하고 냉정한 잣대를 들이대고,현실에 안주하지 않는 비의 천성은 지난 세월그를 지켜 봐 온 제작자이자 친구로서 늘 감탄을 마지 않았던 부분입니다.
가수이자 배우,프로듀서로 그간 수 많은‘최초’의 수식어에 이름을 올렸던 비,한계를 모르는 비의저력은 그의 세계적인 엔터테이너 인생 제2의 서막이 열리는 지금 이 순간부터,다시금 확인하실 수있을 것입니다.
11여년 전,10대의 끝자락에서 타오르는 눈빛의 소년을 만났습니다.누구보다 열정적이고 지독할만치 열심히 할 줄 밖에 모르는 그에게서 언젠가 세상을 울릴 호랑이의 거친 포효가 들리는 듯했습니다.그 호랑이는 이제30대가 되어 치열한 야생의 들판에서도 왕좌를 굳건하게 지킬 수 있게 되었습니다.
비를 캐스팅하고 트레이닝 시켰던 저와 비는 지난 날의 화려했던 역사 속의 페이지는 과감하게뜯어내고 또 다른 미래를 내다보고자 합니다. 비는 그를 향한 여러 제의들에도 불구하고 초심으로돌아가 다시 시작하자는 굳은 의지로 저와 어느 때보다 뜨거운 심장으로 손을 마주 잡으려 합니다.
그러한 의미에서 많은 제의들을 뒤로 한 채 의리로써 보답해준 비에게 고마움을 전하는 바입니다.또한 연습생 시절부터 항상 10년 뒤까지 내다보며 오늘에 열정을 쏟아 부었던 친구,비의 동반자로서의 하루하루를 준비하려 합니다.
더불어 그 동안 비에게 쏟아 주신 끊임없는 사랑과 성원에 보답할 수 있도록 걸음마다 사회에 유산을 남기는 아름다운 행보를 약속합니다.앞으로도 전심으로 진심을 다하는,당신의 동반자가 되겠습니다.험한 길도 마다 않고 같이 걸어주심에 늘 감사 드립니다.
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Saturday, 25 May 2013
2013.05.22 RAIN Mentioned by Fellow Soldier Sangchu (Mighty Mouth) in an Interview
2013.05.22 on OBS Unique Entertainment News, Sangchu (of Mighty Mouth) mentioned RAIN in an interview.
credit: scorpiola // scorpiolabi1 *
English translation by
화니 at The Cloud
*Scorpiola has stated at YouTube "please do not re-up to other youtube channels." Therefore, RLC will not be making this a subbed video but will provide the various translations here at the blog.
Q: Who are you serving in the military with?
[Sangchu]: I'm here with Sergeant Jung JiHoon (RAIN), Sergeant Kang Chang-Mo (KCM), PFC Park Jung-Su (Leeteuk), and Private Choi Dong-wook (Se7en).
Q: I believe you have an advantage because all of you are working in the same field. Each of you is an entertainer.
[Sangchu]: It was difficult at first, especially because of RAIN. When I was a recruit, RAIN's rigorousness made me too tense, but now he and I are like brothers.
Sergeant Jung Ji Hoon, I love you.
Q: How are you going to treat your juniors?
[Sangchu]: Please ask Se7en just to be sure. I'm not a man who harasses his juniors. I'll always treat my juniors well.
Q: Who would you want to serve in the military with?
[Sangchu]: Just being with RAIN, KCM, etc. is enough to serve in the military. (laughs)
Romanian translation by Benghi
Q: Alaturi de cine servesti in armata?
Q: Con quién estás sirviendo en el ejército?
[Sangchu]: Estoy aquí con el Sargento Jung Ji Hoon (Rain), Sargento Kang Chang-Mo (KCM), PFC Park Jung-Su (Leeteuk) y Privado Choi Dong-wook (Se7en).
Q: Creo que tienen una ventaja porque todos ustedes están trabajando en el mismo campo. Cada uno de ustedes es un artisto.
[Sangchu]: Fue difícil al principio,especialmente debido a RAIN.
Cuando yo era un recluto,la rigurosidad de RAIN me hizo muy tenso,pero ahora él y yo somos como hermanos.
Sargento Jung Ji Hoon, te quiero.
Q: Cómo vas a tratar a tus juniors?
[Sangchu]: Por favor pregunten a Se7en, sólo para estar seguro. No soy un hombre que acosa a sus juniors. Yo siempre trato a mis juniors bién.
Q: Con quién te gustaría servir en el ejército?
[Sangchu]: Sólo estar con RAIN, KCM, etc. es suficiente para servir en el ejército.(risas)
Indonesian translation by RLC
00:41 ~ 03:48
Q: Bersama dengan siapa saja Anda bertugas di militer ?
[Sangchu]: Saya di sini bersama dengan Sersan Jung Ji Hoon (RAIN), Sersan Kang Chang Mo (KCM), PFC Park Jung Su (Leeteuk), dan Private Choi Dong Wook (Se7en).
Q: Saya yakin Anda mendapat keuntungan karena Anda semua bekerja di bidang yang sama. Anda semua adalah seorang entertainer.
[Sangchu]: Sulit pada awalnya, terutama karena RAIN sangat ketat dalam kedisiplinan. Ketika saya masih rekrutan baru, RAIN membuat saya terlalu tegang, tapi sekarang kami seperti saudara.
Sersan Jung Ji Hoon, aku menyayangimu.
Q: Bagaimana Anda memperlakukan junior Anda?
[Sangchu]: Silahkan bertanya pada Se7en untuk memastikannya. Saya bukan orang yang suka melecehkan juniornya. Saya akan selalu memperlakukan para junior saya dengan baik.
Q: Dengan siapa Anda ingin bertugas bersama di militer?
[Sangchu]: Hanya dengan bersama RAIN, KCM, dll. sudah cukup untuk bertugas di militer. (tertawa)
Japanese translation by
emik at The Cloud
130522 OBS_Unique Ent. News_Sang-chu @ Mighty Mouth がインタビューでRain について語った。
Q: あなたは軍で誰と一緒に兵役中ですか?
[Sangchu]: Jung Ji Hoon (RAIN) 兵長, Kang Chang-Mo (KCM) 兵長, Park Jung-Su (Leeteuk)一等兵そしてChoi Dong Wook (Se7en) 2等兵と一緒です。
Q: 皆さん、同じ分野/部署で働いているので利点があると思いますが。みなさん各々がエンターテイナーです。
[Sangchu]: 最初は難しかったです、特に RAIN のせいで。
僕が新人の時、RAIN の厳密さに僕はあまりにも緊張させられた、でも今彼と僕は兄弟のような感じです。
Jung Ji-Hoon 兵長, 愛してます。
Q: あなたは後輩にどのように接するつもりですか?
[Sangchu]: どうぞSe7enに確認してください。僕は後輩に嫌がらせをする男ではありません。僕はいつでも後輩に優しく接します。
Q: 誰と一緒に軍で兵役してみたいですか?
[Sangchu]: RAIN, KCM, 他の人たちで十分です。 (笑い)
credit: scorpiola // scorpiolabi1 *
English translation by
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*Scorpiola has stated at YouTube "please do not re-up to other youtube channels." Therefore, RLC will not be making this a subbed video but will provide the various translations here at the blog.
Q: Who are you serving in the military with?
[Sangchu]: I'm here with Sergeant Jung JiHoon (RAIN), Sergeant Kang Chang-Mo (KCM), PFC Park Jung-Su (Leeteuk), and Private Choi Dong-wook (Se7en).
Q: I believe you have an advantage because all of you are working in the same field. Each of you is an entertainer.
[Sangchu]: It was difficult at first, especially because of RAIN. When I was a recruit, RAIN's rigorousness made me too tense, but now he and I are like brothers.
Sergeant Jung Ji Hoon, I love you.
Q: How are you going to treat your juniors?
[Sangchu]: Please ask Se7en just to be sure. I'm not a man who harasses his juniors. I'll always treat my juniors well.
Q: Who would you want to serve in the military with?
[Sangchu]: Just being with RAIN, KCM, etc. is enough to serve in the military. (laughs)
Romanian translation by Benghi
Q: Alaturi de cine servesti in armata?
[Sangchu]: Sunt aici cu Sergentul Jung Ji Hoon (RAIN), Sergentul Kang Chang Mo (KCM), PFC Park Jung Su (Leeteuk) si Privat Choi Dong-wook (Se7en).
Q: Cred ca toti aveti un avantaj pentru ca voi toti lucrati in acelasi domeniu.Fiecare din voi este un artist.
[Sangchu]: A fost mai dificil la inceput,mai ales din cauza lui RAIN.
Cand am fost recrut, rigurozitatea lui RAIN m-a facut sa ma simt foarte tensionat,dar acum el si eu suntem ca fratii.
Sergent Jung Ji Hoon, te iubesc.
Q: Cum o sa-ti tratezi juniorii?
[Sangchu]: Va rog intrebati-l pe Se7en doar sa fiti siguri.Nu sunt un om care isi hartuieste juniorii.Imi voi trata juniorii bine.
Q: Cu cine ai vrea sa servesti in armata?
[Sangchu]: Doar a fii cu RAIN, KCM, etc. este deajuns a servi in armata. (rade)
Spanish translation by Benghi
Q: Con quién estás sirviendo en el ejército?
[Sangchu]: Estoy aquí con el Sargento Jung Ji Hoon (Rain), Sargento Kang Chang-Mo (KCM), PFC Park Jung-Su (Leeteuk) y Privado Choi Dong-wook (Se7en).
Q: Creo que tienen una ventaja porque todos ustedes están trabajando en el mismo campo. Cada uno de ustedes es un artisto.
[Sangchu]: Fue difícil al principio,especialmente debido a RAIN.
Cuando yo era un recluto,la rigurosidad de RAIN me hizo muy tenso,pero ahora él y yo somos como hermanos.
Sargento Jung Ji Hoon, te quiero.
Q: Cómo vas a tratar a tus juniors?
[Sangchu]: Por favor pregunten a Se7en, sólo para estar seguro. No soy un hombre que acosa a sus juniors. Yo siempre trato a mis juniors bién.
Q: Con quién te gustaría servir en el ejército?
[Sangchu]: Sólo estar con RAIN, KCM, etc. es suficiente para servir en el ejército.(risas)
Indonesian translation by RLC
00:41 ~ 03:48
Q: Bersama dengan siapa saja Anda bertugas di militer ?
[Sangchu]: Saya di sini bersama dengan Sersan Jung Ji Hoon (RAIN), Sersan Kang Chang Mo (KCM), PFC Park Jung Su (Leeteuk), dan Private Choi Dong Wook (Se7en).
Q: Saya yakin Anda mendapat keuntungan karena Anda semua bekerja di bidang yang sama. Anda semua adalah seorang entertainer.
[Sangchu]: Sulit pada awalnya, terutama karena RAIN sangat ketat dalam kedisiplinan. Ketika saya masih rekrutan baru, RAIN membuat saya terlalu tegang, tapi sekarang kami seperti saudara.
Sersan Jung Ji Hoon, aku menyayangimu.
Q: Bagaimana Anda memperlakukan junior Anda?
[Sangchu]: Silahkan bertanya pada Se7en untuk memastikannya. Saya bukan orang yang suka melecehkan juniornya. Saya akan selalu memperlakukan para junior saya dengan baik.
Q: Dengan siapa Anda ingin bertugas bersama di militer?
[Sangchu]: Hanya dengan bersama RAIN, KCM, dll. sudah cukup untuk bertugas di militer. (tertawa)
Japanese translation by
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130522 OBS_Unique Ent. News_Sang-chu @ Mighty Mouth がインタビューでRain について語った。
Q: あなたは軍で誰と一緒に兵役中ですか?
[Sangchu]: Jung Ji Hoon (RAIN) 兵長, Kang Chang-Mo (KCM) 兵長, Park Jung-Su (Leeteuk)一等兵そしてChoi Dong Wook (Se7en) 2等兵と一緒です。
Q: 皆さん、同じ分野/部署で働いているので利点があると思いますが。みなさん各々がエンターテイナーです。
[Sangchu]: 最初は難しかったです、特に RAIN のせいで。
僕が新人の時、RAIN の厳密さに僕はあまりにも緊張させられた、でも今彼と僕は兄弟のような感じです。
Jung Ji-Hoon 兵長, 愛してます。
Q: あなたは後輩にどのように接するつもりですか?
[Sangchu]: どうぞSe7enに確認してください。僕は後輩に嫌がらせをする男ではありません。僕はいつでも後輩に優しく接します。
Q: 誰と一緒に軍で兵役してみたいですか?
[Sangchu]: RAIN, KCM, 他の人たちで十分です。 (笑い)
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
RAIN mentioned 2013.05.20 국방FM 충성! My Friend 이석훈입니다
2013.05.20 RAIN mentioned on 국방FM 충성! My Friend 이석훈입니다 (Defense FM Loyalty! My Friend Is Lee Seok Hun)
SUBBED VIDEO: English, Indonesian, Spanish, Romanian
Credit: November Rain
Credit: Original uploaded by Terry Yu at Twitter and 2407se7en at YouTube
SUBBED VIDEO: English, Indonesian, Spanish, Romanian
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
IMPORTANT UPDATE! - Attention!!! My Rain Event
This is an important update regarding the contest conducted by The Cloud: "Attention!!! My Rain Event." Please be sure to read and remember that all video clips must be submitted by May 31st.
Posted by
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An explanation on the Attention!!! My Rain Event
The organizer of the event has received many video clips which are not performances by fans themselves. Instead they select different performances of Rain and then re-created a video clip showing Rain's performance.
The intention of the event is to let fans demonstrate their love for Rain with their own performance of Rain's songs or dance moves. You could participate as an individual or as a group. The performer in the video should be the fans themselves and not Rain.
Rather than disqualifying those video clips showing Rain's performance, the organizer will accept them but such video will score very low marks.
Some fans have submitted videos which were created previously, not for this event, although the videos did not enter any contest. Please note the organizer will award higher points to videos which are created specifically for this event.
All you need is your passion and your originality in creating your own version of Rain's songs or dances. Have fun doing it and win some nice prizes!
Romanian translation by Benghi
Acesta este un update important cu privire la concursul condus de
The Cloud : "Attention!!! My Rain Event." Va rugam sa cititi si sa tineti minte ca toate videoclipurile trebuie inscrise pana pe data de 31 Mai.
Posted by
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O explicatie pentru Attention!!! My Rain Event
Organizatorul evenimentului a primit multe videoclipuri in care performantele nu sunt indr-adevar ale fanilor. Ei aleg diferite performante ale lui RAIN si dupa aceea recreaza un videoclip aratand performanta lui RAIN.
Intentia evenimentului este ca fanii sa isi demonstreze dragostea lor pentru RAIN cu performantele lor proprii ale melodiilor si miscarilor de dans ale lui RAIN. Poti participa individual sau ca un grup. Performerul din videoclip ar trebui sa fie fanul insusi si nu RAIN.
In loc de a descalifica acele videoclipuri care arata performanta lui RAIN, organizatorul le va accepta dar asa un videoclip nu va avea multe puncte.
Cativa fani si-au depus videoclipurile care au fost create in prealabil,nu pentru acest eveniment, desi videoclipurile nu au fost in nici un concurs. Va rugam sa notati ca organizatorul va premia cu mai multe puncte videoclipurile care au fost create special pentru acest eveniment.
Tot ce ai nevoie este pasiunea ta so originalitatea in a crea propria ta versiune a melodiilor sau dansurilor lui RAIN. Distrati-va facand asta si castigati premii frumoase!
Spanish translation by Benghi
Esta es una actualización importante con respecto a la competencia realizada por The Cloud: "Attention!!! My Rain Event!" Por favor, asegúrese de leer y recordar que todos los videos tienen que ser presentadas antes del 31 de Mayo.
Posted by
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Una explicación sobre la Attention!!! My Rain Event
El organizador del evento ha recibido muchos vídeos que no son las actuaciones de los propios fans. Ellos seleccionan diferentes actuaciones de RAIN y luego se vuelven a crear un vídeo que muestra el rendimiento de RAIN.
La intención del evento es que los fans demuestran su amor por RAIN con su propio desempeño de las canciones o movimientos de baile de RAIN. Puedes participar de forma individual o de grupo. El artista en el video deben ser los propios fans y no RAIN.
En lugar de descalificar a los vídeos que muestra el rendimiento de RAIN, el organizador los aceptará, pero dicho vídeo marcará marcas muy bajas.
Algunos fans han presentado vídeos que se crearon con anterioridad,no para este evento,aunque los videos no entraron en ningún concurso. Tenga en cuenta que el organizador otorgará puntos más altos a los vídeos que se han creado específicamente para este evento.
Todo lo que necesitas es su pasión y su originalidad en la creación de su propia versión de las canciones o danzas de RAIN. Diviértete haciendolo y gana algunos premios agradables!
Indonesian translation by RLC
Ini adalah update penting mengenai kontes yang diselenggarakan oleh The Cloud: "Attention!!! My Rain Event." Harap dibaca dan ingat bahwa semua klip video harus sudah dikirimkan paling lambat pada tanggal 31 Mei.
Posted by
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Penjelasan tentang Attention!!! My Rain Event
Penyelenggara acara tersebut telah menerima banyak klip video yang bukan merupakan penampilan fans sendiri. Sebaliknya mereka membuat video dengan mengedit beberapa video dari penampilan RAIN.
Tujuan dari acara ini adalah untuk memberikan kesempatan bagi para fans untuk menunjukkan cinta mereka pada Rain dengan menyanyikan lagu-lagu RAIN atau melakukan gerakan dancenya . Anda bisa berpartisipasi secara perorangan atau sebagai kelompok. Para performer dalam video tersebut harus adalah para fans sendiri dan bukannya RAIN.
Daripada mendiskualifikasi semua video yang menampilkan RAIN, pihak penyelenggara akan menerimanya namun video tersebut akan mendapat nilai yang sangat rendah.
Beberapa fans telah mengirimkan video yang dibuat sebelumnya, dan bukan untuk acara ini, meskipun video tersebut tidak pernah mengikuti kontes apapun. Harap dicatat pihak penyelenggara akan memberikan penghargaan poin yang lebih tinggi untuk video yang dibuat khusus untuk acara ini.
Yang Anda butuhkan adalah semangat dan orisinalitas dalam menciptakan versi Anda sendiri untuk lagu RAIN atau dance. Lakukanlah dengan senang dan memenangkan beberapa hadiah yang bagus!
Monday, 20 May 2013
2013.05.20 FAN ACCOUNT
Fan account about RAIN
English translation by
huhuhuhu at The Cloud
Indonesian translation by RLC
Fan account tentang RAIN
Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris oleh
huhuhuhu @The Cloud
Credit: DC
Seorang fan di DC membaca beberapa account di cafe militer.
Sabtu lalu, pada tanggal 18 Mei orang yang menulis fan account ini mengunjungi pacarnya yang sedang menjalankan wajib militer.
Pada sekitar jam 12 siang, ia melihat para prajurit PR berkumpul di gerbang barat DEMA. Dia beradu pandang dengan RAIN. Dan dia menulis bahwa dia tidak bisa melupakan tatapan mata RAIN.
Tidak yakin apakah ini adalah orang yang sama dengan penulis account sebelumnya, seseorang telah menulis bahwa pada hari Minggu, tanggal 19 Mei RAIN dan para prajurit PR lainnya bermain basket dengan bertelanjang dada. Pacar [dari penulis account ini] menceritakan tentang ini saat menelepon dan dia [yang sedang menjalankan wajib militer ini] adalah "agen khusus" nya [agen rahasia penulis account].
Romanian translation by Benghi
Un fan DC a citit cateva conturi la cafeneaua militara.
Sambata trecuta,18 Mai,persoana care a scris contul,a mers la prietenul ei care serveste in armata.
In jur de 12 dupa-amiaza,ea i-a vazut pe soldatii de diverstisment adunandu-se la poarta de vest a DEMA.Ochii ei,i-au intalnit pe ai lui RAIN.Si a scris ca nu poate uita privirea din ochii lui RAIN.
Nu sunt sigura daca este aceeasi persoana sau o alta persoana,in orice caz,cineva a scris asta Duminica,19 Mai,RAIN si alti soldati de divertisment au jucat baschet fara a purta tricouri. Prietenul ei i-a spus despre asta in timpul unei convorbiri telefonice,si el este "agentul ei special"
Spanish translation by Benghi
Un fan de DC a leido algunos relatos en la cafetería militar.
El sábado pasado, el 18 de Mayo, la persona que escribió la cuenta fue a encontrarse con su novio, quien está sirviendo en el ejército.
A las 12 del mediodía, vio a los soldados de entretenimiento que se habían reunido en la puerta oeste de DEMA. Sus ojos se encontraron con los de RAIN. Y ella escribió que ella no puede olvidar la mirada de los ojos de RAIN.
No estoy segura si es la misma persona o de otra persona,en cualquier caso,alguien escribió esto en el domingo, 19 de Mayo, RAIN y otros soldados de entretenimiento jugaron al baloncesto sin utilizar ninguna camisas [sin camisa]. Su novio le habló de esto durante una llamada telefónica y es su "agente especial"
English translation by
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Credit: DC
A DC fan read some accounts at the military cafe.
Last Saturday, 18 May, the person who wrote the account went to meet her boyfriend who is serving in the army.
At about 12 noon, she saw the entertainment soldiers gather at the west gate of DEMA. Her eyes met that of RAIN's. And she wrote that she cannot forget the look of RAIN's eyes.
Not sure if it is the same person or a different person, in any case someone wrote that on Sunday, 19 May, RAIN and other entertainment soldiers played basketball without wearing any tops. Her boyfriend told her about this during a telephone call and he is her "special agent".
Indonesian translation by RLC
Fan account tentang RAIN
Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris oleh
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Credit: DC
Seorang fan di DC membaca beberapa account di cafe militer.
Sabtu lalu, pada tanggal 18 Mei orang yang menulis fan account ini mengunjungi pacarnya yang sedang menjalankan wajib militer.
Pada sekitar jam 12 siang, ia melihat para prajurit PR berkumpul di gerbang barat DEMA. Dia beradu pandang dengan RAIN. Dan dia menulis bahwa dia tidak bisa melupakan tatapan mata RAIN.
Tidak yakin apakah ini adalah orang yang sama dengan penulis account sebelumnya, seseorang telah menulis bahwa pada hari Minggu, tanggal 19 Mei RAIN dan para prajurit PR lainnya bermain basket dengan bertelanjang dada. Pacar [dari penulis account ini] menceritakan tentang ini saat menelepon dan dia [yang sedang menjalankan wajib militer ini] adalah "agen khusus" nya [agen rahasia penulis account].
Romanian translation by Benghi
Un fan DC a citit cateva conturi la cafeneaua militara.
Sambata trecuta,18 Mai,persoana care a scris contul,a mers la prietenul ei care serveste in armata.
In jur de 12 dupa-amiaza,ea i-a vazut pe soldatii de diverstisment adunandu-se la poarta de vest a DEMA.Ochii ei,i-au intalnit pe ai lui RAIN.Si a scris ca nu poate uita privirea din ochii lui RAIN.
Nu sunt sigura daca este aceeasi persoana sau o alta persoana,in orice caz,cineva a scris asta Duminica,19 Mai,RAIN si alti soldati de divertisment au jucat baschet fara a purta tricouri. Prietenul ei i-a spus despre asta in timpul unei convorbiri telefonice,si el este "agentul ei special"
Spanish translation by Benghi
Un fan de DC a leido algunos relatos en la cafetería militar.
El sábado pasado, el 18 de Mayo, la persona que escribió la cuenta fue a encontrarse con su novio, quien está sirviendo en el ejército.
A las 12 del mediodía, vio a los soldados de entretenimiento que se habían reunido en la puerta oeste de DEMA. Sus ojos se encontraron con los de RAIN. Y ella escribió que ella no puede olvidar la mirada de los ojos de RAIN.
No estoy segura si es la misma persona o de otra persona,en cualquier caso,alguien escribió esto en el domingo, 19 de Mayo, RAIN y otros soldados de entretenimiento jugaron al baloncesto sin utilizar ninguna camisas [sin camisa]. Su novio le habló de esto durante una llamada telefónica y es su "agente especial"
Friday, 17 May 2013
Subbed video of RAIN's Return 2013.05.11
The next offering from RAIN's Little Cloud™ youtube channel is that of the coverage by Y-Star of Rain's return to South Korea on May 11, 2013. This video contains subtitles in English, Indonesian, Romanian and Spanish.
Please enjoy!
Please enjoy!
Introducing RAIN's Little Cloud™ youtube channel. RAIN's Little Cloud™ has opened a youtube channel to bring English subtitled videos of RAIN to the public.
The first video is that of RAIN's departure for the United States on
May 6, 2013 and it is subbed in English:
The second video is RAIN's departure but subbed in Spanish, Indonesian and Romanian:
Please enjoy viewing these with subtitles and we hope to bring you more in the future.
The first video is that of RAIN's departure for the United States on
May 6, 2013 and it is subbed in English:
The second video is RAIN's departure but subbed in Spanish, Indonesian and Romanian:
Please enjoy viewing these with subtitles and we hope to bring you more in the future.
Saturday, 11 May 2013
C-Luv Talks About RAIN
2013.05.10 Excerpt from an interview with Tae Wan (C-Luv) in HIPHOPPLAYA Magazine.
힙 : 그간의 아이돌음악, 힙합음악 불문하고 심지어 트로트까지 상당히 넓은 스펙트럼으로 작업을 하셨는데 프로듀서로서 기억에 남는 작업이 있으시다면?
태 : 당연히 그 대답은 비의 “Rainism” 앨범일 거예요. 처음으로 제 앨범이 아닌 다른 사람의 앨범을 처음부터 끝까지 작업한 프로젝트인데요. 시간 만 좀 더 있었다면, 더 멋진 앨범으로 만들 수 있었을 거라는 아쉬움도 있었지만, 그것과 함께 많은 교훈을 주었던 앨범이예요. 작가로서의 지훈이의 모습도 굉장히 감명 깊었던 작업이기도 하구요. 아티스트가 프로듀서로서 역할을 충분히 믿고 맡길 때, 시너지가 배가 된다고 보거든요. 아직 경험이 적은 저에게 모든 걸 맡기고 믿어준 지훈이가 고맙기도 하구요. 작곡가나 싱어송라이터가 아닌, 프로듀서가 무엇인지 다시금 깨닫게 해준 프로젝트였어요. 함께 작업한 그때 뭔가 화학작용이 재미있게 일어났던 거 같아요.
지훈이가 10만 장을 넘으면 저에게 큰 외제차를 사준다고 했었어요, 시간이 많이 지났는데, 언제 사주는 거니 지훈아, 형은 아직 기다리고 있단다.
Brief English translation by 화니 at The Cloud
태완 (Tae Wan) a.k.a C-Luv spoke as follows :
"Working on Rainism was one of the most memorable experiences of my life.
Rain's passion and efforts in this work as a composer made a great impression on me. Thank him very much for trusting me for the performance of the task.
Through this experience, I could realize how valuable being a producer is.
Rain and I were working together for a better output, and the cooperation seemed to result in a considerable synergy effect for the two.
He promised that if the album sells over 100,000 copies, he will buy me a large foreign car, but he has not kept his promise so far. Ji-Hoon, I am still confident that you will keep your word. haha...."
Romanian translation by Benghi
-RAIN mentionat într-un interviu al lui 태완 aka C-Luv cu HIPHOPPLAYA -
태완 a.k.a C-Luv a vorbit,după cum urmează:
"Lucrand la Rainism a fost unul dintre cele mai memorabile experiente din viata mea.Pasiunea lui RAIN si eforturile în această lucrare ca si compozitor au făcut o mare impresie asupra mea.Ii multumesc foarte mult pentru increderea care mi-a acordat-o pentru îndeplinirea acestei sarcini.Prin această experientă,mi-am dat seama cat de valoros este a fi producator.RAIN si eu am lucrat pentru o mai buna iesire,si cooperarea a parut sa determine un efect de sinergie pentru amandoi.
El a promis ca daca albumul se va vinde peste 100.000 de copii,el imi va cumpara o masina straina mare,dar pana acum nu si-a indeplinit promisiunea.Ji Hoon,sunt inca increzator ca iti vei pastra cuvantul,haha..."
힙 : 그간의 아이돌음악, 힙합음악 불문하고 심지어 트로트까지 상당히 넓은 스펙트럼으로 작업을 하셨는데 프로듀서로서 기억에 남는 작업이 있으시다면?
태 : 당연히 그 대답은 비의 “Rainism” 앨범일 거예요. 처음으로 제 앨범이 아닌 다른 사람의 앨범을 처음부터 끝까지 작업한 프로젝트인데요. 시간 만 좀 더 있었다면, 더 멋진 앨범으로 만들 수 있었을 거라는 아쉬움도 있었지만, 그것과 함께 많은 교훈을 주었던 앨범이예요. 작가로서의 지훈이의 모습도 굉장히 감명 깊었던 작업이기도 하구요. 아티스트가 프로듀서로서 역할을 충분히 믿고 맡길 때, 시너지가 배가 된다고 보거든요. 아직 경험이 적은 저에게 모든 걸 맡기고 믿어준 지훈이가 고맙기도 하구요. 작곡가나 싱어송라이터가 아닌, 프로듀서가 무엇인지 다시금 깨닫게 해준 프로젝트였어요. 함께 작업한 그때 뭔가 화학작용이 재미있게 일어났던 거 같아요.
지훈이가 10만 장을 넘으면 저에게 큰 외제차를 사준다고 했었어요, 시간이 많이 지났는데, 언제 사주는 거니 지훈아, 형은 아직 기다리고 있단다.
Brief English translation by 화니 at The Cloud
태완 (Tae Wan) a.k.a C-Luv spoke as follows :
"Working on Rainism was one of the most memorable experiences of my life.
Rain's passion and efforts in this work as a composer made a great impression on me. Thank him very much for trusting me for the performance of the task.
Through this experience, I could realize how valuable being a producer is.
Rain and I were working together for a better output, and the cooperation seemed to result in a considerable synergy effect for the two.
He promised that if the album sells over 100,000 copies, he will buy me a large foreign car, but he has not kept his promise so far. Ji-Hoon, I am still confident that you will keep your word. haha...."
Romanian translation by Benghi
-RAIN mentionat într-un interviu al lui 태완 aka C-Luv cu HIPHOPPLAYA -
태완 a.k.a C-Luv a vorbit,după cum urmează:
"Lucrand la Rainism a fost unul dintre cele mai memorabile experiente din viata mea.Pasiunea lui RAIN si eforturile în această lucrare ca si compozitor au făcut o mare impresie asupra mea.Ii multumesc foarte mult pentru increderea care mi-a acordat-o pentru îndeplinirea acestei sarcini.Prin această experientă,mi-am dat seama cat de valoros este a fi producator.RAIN si eu am lucrat pentru o mai buna iesire,si cooperarea a parut sa determine un efect de sinergie pentru amandoi.
El a promis ca daca albumul se va vinde peste 100.000 de copii,el imi va cumpara o masina straina mare,dar pana acum nu si-a indeplinit promisiunea.Ji Hoon,sunt inca increzator ca iti vei pastra cuvantul,haha..."
Thursday, 9 May 2013
ENGLISH TRANS [Y-Star Video] Rain interview at the airport
Below is the English translation of the coverage and very brief interview of RAIN on 2013.05.06 at Incheon International Airport as he prepared to depart with his party to Washington, D.C.
English translation by RLC
Kim Tae Hee's boyfriend singer RAIN is leaving to USA today to attend Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Alliance between Korea and USA.
This week at May 6th morning, we met RAIN at Incheon International airport before his departure.
- Hello?
* Hello.
- What is the occasion today?
* I'm sorry I ...
- Are you going to the States?
* Yes. Nice to meet you.
- What is your commitment in the States?
* Just going as part of the special envoy. Other than that, I don't know in detail.
[RAIN walked past the gate he was supposed to enter and Sangchu called to him.]
Soldier RAIN dressed properly as a soldier, from military boots to beret. RAIN also has nice posture. A well-trained soldier, Jung Ji Hoon. However, when a young fan is asking for his autograph, he is back as The World Star RAIN and sincerely signs for the fan.
But it is not easy to hear his voice especially on questions regarding Kim Tae Hee.
- Jihoon ssi, the good news was heard recently...
* I'm sorry, I'm a soldier. I cannot do interview, I'm sorry.
- Just a word, do you keep in touch with Miss Kim Tae Hee?
* I'm sorry. [bright smile]
- Are you doing well?
I'm sorry [brighter smile] I'm sorry. [still smiling while looking away from the reporter]
And with a salute, RAIN left to the USA. RAIN is scheduled to attend the Arirang World Peace Festival on May 8th at Warner Theatre in Washington D.C.
English translation by RLC
Kim Tae Hee's boyfriend singer RAIN is leaving to USA today to attend Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Alliance between Korea and USA.
This week at May 6th morning, we met RAIN at Incheon International airport before his departure.
- Hello?
* Hello.
- What is the occasion today?
* I'm sorry I ...
- Are you going to the States?
* Yes. Nice to meet you.
- What is your commitment in the States?
* Just going as part of the special envoy. Other than that, I don't know in detail.
[RAIN walked past the gate he was supposed to enter and Sangchu called to him.]
Soldier RAIN dressed properly as a soldier, from military boots to beret. RAIN also has nice posture. A well-trained soldier, Jung Ji Hoon. However, when a young fan is asking for his autograph, he is back as The World Star RAIN and sincerely signs for the fan.
But it is not easy to hear his voice especially on questions regarding Kim Tae Hee.
- Jihoon ssi, the good news was heard recently...
* I'm sorry, I'm a soldier. I cannot do interview, I'm sorry.
- Just a word, do you keep in touch with Miss Kim Tae Hee?
* I'm sorry. [bright smile]
- Are you doing well?
I'm sorry [brighter smile] I'm sorry. [still smiling while looking away from the reporter]
And with a salute, RAIN left to the USA. RAIN is scheduled to attend the Arirang World Peace Festival on May 8th at Warner Theatre in Washington D.C.
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
[Fancam] 2013.05.06 RAIN at Incheon International Airport
tokotoko yurian captured footage of Sergeant Jung Ji Hoon (RAIN) at the Incheon International Airport on 2013.05.06 for his departure to the United States where he and Lee Sang Chul (Mighty Mouth's Sangchu) will be performing at the Arirang World Peace Festival at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, May 8, at the Warner Theatre in Washington, D.C.
Romanian translation by Benghi
[Fancam] 06.05.2013 RAIN la Aeroportul International Incheon
tokotoko yurian a capturat un video cu Sergentul Jung Ji Hoon (RAIN) la Aeroportul International Incheon pe data de 06.05.2013,locul din care el (RAIN) a plecat catre Statele Unite,unde impreuna cu Lee Sang Chul (Mighty Mouth-Sangchu) vor performa la "Arirang World Peace Festival" Miercuri,la ora 19:00,8 Mai,la Teatrul Warner din Washington D.C.
Spanish translation by Benghi
[Fancam] RAIN en el Aeropuerto Internacional Incheon
tokotoko yurian ha capturado un video con el Sargento Jung Ji Hoon (RAIN) en el Aeropuerto Internacional Incheon en 06.05.2013,el lugar de donde RAIN y Lee Sang Chul (Mighty Mouth-Sangchu) han salido por Washington D.C. donde van a performar en el "Arirang World Peace Festival",Miércoles,8 de Mayo en el Teatro Warner en Washington D.C.
Romanian translation by Benghi
[Fancam] 06.05.2013 RAIN la Aeroportul International Incheon
tokotoko yurian a capturat un video cu Sergentul Jung Ji Hoon (RAIN) la Aeroportul International Incheon pe data de 06.05.2013,locul din care el (RAIN) a plecat catre Statele Unite,unde impreuna cu Lee Sang Chul (Mighty Mouth-Sangchu) vor performa la "Arirang World Peace Festival" Miercuri,la ora 19:00,8 Mai,la Teatrul Warner din Washington D.C.
Spanish translation by Benghi
[Fancam] RAIN en el Aeropuerto Internacional Incheon
tokotoko yurian ha capturado un video con el Sargento Jung Ji Hoon (RAIN) en el Aeropuerto Internacional Incheon en 06.05.2013,el lugar de donde RAIN y Lee Sang Chul (Mighty Mouth-Sangchu) han salido por Washington D.C. donde van a performar en el "Arirang World Peace Festival",Miércoles,8 de Mayo en el Teatro Warner en Washington D.C.
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Rain at Incheon Airport 2013.05.06
[07-May-13]Rain's fleeting presence at Incheon Airport.
Credit to Star Today Star Today
English translation by 화니 at The Cloud
Singer Rain in uniform is leaving for Washington, D.C. via Incheon International Airport on the morning of the 6th.
This event to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the alliance between Korea and the United States will be held at Warner Theatre in Washington, D.C on the 8th of this month, featuring Lee Soo-Young, Korea Art Dance Group, etc., including singer Rain and Mighty Mouth's member 'Sangchu'.
Additional pictures of Rain, Sergeant Jung Ji Hoon, at his departure from Incheon International Airport on 2013.05.06. Credit as tagged.
Credit to Star Today Star Today
English translation by 화니 at The Cloud
Singer Rain in uniform is leaving for Washington, D.C. via Incheon International Airport on the morning of the 6th.
This event to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the alliance between Korea and the United States will be held at Warner Theatre in Washington, D.C on the 8th of this month, featuring Lee Soo-Young, Korea Art Dance Group, etc., including singer Rain and Mighty Mouth's member 'Sangchu'.
Additional pictures of Rain, Sergeant Jung Ji Hoon, at his departure from Incheon International Airport on 2013.05.06. Credit as tagged.
Rain, the soldier with the highest seniority on the public information support services
2013.05.06 Rain, the soldier with the highest seniority on the public information support services. His discharge is just 65 days away.
Credit: News 24
English translation by 화니 at The Cloud
Singer and actor Rain (his real name, Jung Ji-Hoon) has been the public information services support soldier with the highest seniority on the public information support services of the Defense Media Agency.
Sergeant Jung Ji Hoon will leave the army this upcoming July 10th.
Rain served as a teaching assistant at the 5th division recruiting training center after joining the army in October, 2011, and he has traveled to different military bases and put on various events and shows since he was transferred to the public information support services in March of last year.
To attend the World Peace Festival Arirang to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the alliance between Korea and the United States, Rain left for Washington D.C. via Incheon International Airport on the 6th.
Since 'Sleepy' (Kim Sung-Won) and 'The Action' (Park Kyung-Wook) who are Untouchable's members left the army last 1st, Rain has been the soldier with the highest seniority on the public information support services. He is a sergeant who is expected to be separated from the army in a couple of months.
Currently, 'Leeteuk,' KCM, Jung Joon-Yil, Kim Mu-Yeol, 'Sangchu,' Lee Seok Hun, etc. including Rain, are serving in the public information support services. KCM will leave the army following the discharge of Rain. KCM will return to society upcoming July 31st.
Romanian Translation by Benghi
2013.05.06 RAIN, soldatul cu cea mai mare vechime la serviciile de sprijin de informare publică.Eliberarea sa este la o departare de doar 65 de zile.
Cantaretul si actorul RAIN(numele său real, Jung Ji-Hoon),este soldatul cu cea mai mare vechime în serviciile de asistentă de informare publica ale Agentiei de Aparare Media. Sergentul Jung Ji-Hoon va părăsi armata pe data de 10 iulie.
RAIN a servit ca asistent de predare la a 5-a Divizie de Recrutare la centrul de formare după aderarea sa in armată în Cctombrie 2011,iar el a călătorit în diferite baze militare si a participat la diverse evenimente si spectacole de când a fost transferat la serviciile de asistentă de informare publică în martie anul trecut.
Pentru a participa la "Arirang World Peace Festival" pentru sarbatorirea celor 60 de ani de aliantă între Coreea si Statele Unite ale Americii, RAIN a plecat la Washington D.C. din Aeroportul International Incheon pe data de 6.
Din moment ce 'Sleepy' (Kim Sung-Won) si 'Actiune' (Park Kyung-Wook), care sunt membri Untocheable,au părăsit armata luna trecuta pe 1, RAIN a fost soldatul cu cea mai mare vechime la serviciile de sprijin de informare publică. El este Sergent,care este asteptat să fie eliberat din armată în câteva luni.
În prezent, 'Leeteuk,' KCM, Jung Joon-Yil, Kim Mu-Yeol, 'Sangchu,' Lee Seok Hun,etc. inclusiv RAIN, servesc în serviciile de sprijin de informare publică. KCM va părăsi armata după eliberarea lui RAIN. KCM va reveni in societate pe data de 31 Iulie.
Tickets to see Rain perform on May 8, 2013 at the Arirang World Peace Festival are available. However, you have to submit an email in order to obtain them. * As reported earlier you need to send email and information as shown below:
Include in your email: Introduce yourself to them. Provide the participants'
English names (and yours) and the number of participants in this email
On a tip from Cloud USA information from the director of the Warner Theatre is that JiArt will be sending an e-mail to those who have already requested tickets and to those that are requesting tickets now. When you receive the email from JiArt, you have to pick up your tickets at the Warner Theater box office between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Tuesday, May 7 (tomorrow). You have to have received an email from JiArt to gain tickets. You cannot simply go to the box office and request a ticket.
Get your email in NOW in order to get tickets for the event with Rain on May 8. There is no guarantee that your email will be received in time or that you will receive a reply from JiArt granting tickets for you. This information is the most up to date available and subject to change.
Latasha Jacobs at Warner Theatre has informed BiArashi that the representatives of JiArt are extremely busy and may not be able to handle all the email. She recommends that people show up at the box office around 1:45 p.m. Tuesday, May 7 where she will be the one distributing tickets and to speak with her if you have not received an email from JiArt.
People have begun to receive email from JiArt. If you have emailed them, continue to look for response. Even without the response, you can line up at the box office prior to 2 p.m. to attempt to get tickets. The best way, however, is to have received a response from JiArt so do try emailing them as soon as possible.
Latasha Jacobs at Warner Theatre has informed BiArashi that the representatives of JiArt are extremely busy and may not be able to handle all the email. She recommends that people show up at the box office around 1:45 p.m. Tuesday, May 7 where she will be the one distributing tickets and to speak with her if you have not received an email from JiArt.
People have begun to receive email from JiArt. If you have emailed them, continue to look for response. Even without the response, you can line up at the box office prior to 2 p.m. to attempt to get tickets. The best way, however, is to have received a response from JiArt so do try emailing them as soon as possible.
Saturday, 4 May 2013
You can watch Consolatory Train live tonight (May 4th KST)
Posted by
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You can watch Consolatory Train live tonight
If you want to watch Consolatory Train live tonight, you could go to the following website:
There is a movie wheel with 온에어 (on air) at the top left hand side. Click this and you should be able to watch the TV programme. Consolatory Train starts Korean time 7pm tonight until 9pm.
Find your local time here
Indonesian Translation by RLC
Anda dapat menyaksikan Consolatory Train live malam ini.
Jika Anda ingin menyaksikan Consolatory Train malam ini, Anda bisa melakukannya di situs web berikut:
Pada bagian kiri atas akan ada roda film dengan tulisan 온에어 (on air). Klik disana dan Anda akan dapat menyaksikan program TV tersebut. Consolatory Train mulai dari jam 7 malam sampai dengan jam 9 malam waktu Korea (jam 5 sore - jam 7 malam waktu Jakarta).
Cari waktu lokal Anda di sini
Spanish Translation by Bi Arashi
Usted puede ver de Consolatory Train en vivo esta noche (04 de mayo KST)
Publicado por
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Usted puede ver Consolatory Train vivir esta noche
Si quiere ver los Consolatory Train vivir esta noche, puedes ir a la siguiente página web:
Hay una rueda de película con 온에어 (On Air) en la parte superior izquierda. Haga clic en este y usted debería ser capaz de ver el programa de TV. Consolatory Train comienza 19:00 hora de Corea esta noche hasta las 9 pm.
Encuentra tu tiempos local aquí
Turkish Translation by Oluperigelin
Bu akşamki Consolatary Train programını canlı olarak izlemek istiyorsanız, şu adrese gidebilirsiniz:
Sol yukarıda yanında 온에어 (on air) yazan bir film şeridi var. Ona tıklarsanız programı canlı olarak izleyebilirsiniz. Consolatory Train Kore saatine göre 19.00pmde başlayıp 21.00pm'e kadar sürecek.
Yerel saatinizi ise şuradan bulabilirsiniz:
Friday, 3 May 2013
Rain will leave for Washington D.C. on 7 May Korean Time
Posted by
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English Translation by huhuhuhu
DEMA has confirmed that Rain and Sangchu will be the only two entertainment soldiers who will be going to Washington D.C. to participate in the Korea/U.S.A. Alliance 60th anniversary celebration event.
They will depart Korea on 7 May Korean Time, and will stay in Washington for about a week.
In the Arirang World Peace Festival event, Rain will be M.C. for the first part and will perform in the second part.
Hope our sisters in the U.S. will be able to get the event tickets!
[For more info about how to get tickets for this event please read here.]
비 상추 한미동맹 60주년 행사 참석, 미국行 확정
[뉴스엔 전원 기자]
연예병사 비와 상추가 미국 워싱턴에서 열리는 한미동맹 60주년 기념행사에 참석한다.
국방홍보원 홍보지원대원으로 복무중인 비(정지훈)와 마이티마우스 상추 5월7일 미국 워싱턴으로 이동해 한미동맹 60주년 기념행사 '세계평화 페스티벌 아리랑'에 참석하기로 확정했다.
국방홍보원 관계자는 5월3일 뉴스엔에 "홍보지원대원 연예인 중에서는 비와 상추가 유일하게 미국 워싱턴에서 열리는 한미동맹 60주년 기념행사에 참여한다. 약 1주일간의 일정으로 미국 워싱턴으로 떠난다"고 말했다.
이번 행사는 한국전쟁 정전 60주년을 맞아 5월부터 10월까지 참전국 21개 주요 도시에서 펼쳐지는 아리랑 세계평화축제의 일환으로 마련됐다. 특히 이번 행사는 박근혜 대통령과 오바마 미국 대통령 내외가 처음으로 갖는 한미정상회담 일정에 맞물리는 행사여서 눈길을 끈다.
비는 1부 사회와 2부 공연을, 상추는 2부 사회를 맡아 6.25 참전용사와 유족들을 위로할 계획이다.
한편 지난 2011년 10월 현역 입대한 비는 7월10일 제대한다. (사진=뉴스엔DB)
전원 wonwon@
Indonesian Translation by RLC
RAIN akan berangkat ke Washington DC pada tanggal 7 Mei waktu Korea.
DEMA telah mengkonfirmasi bahwa hanya RAIN dan Sangchu yang akan pergi ke Washington DC untuk ikut serta dalam acara perayaan ke-60 Aliansi Korea/Amerika.
Mereka akan meninggalkan Korea pada tanggal 7 Mei waktu Korea, dan akan tinggal di Washington selama seitar satu minggu.
Dalam acara World Peace Festival Arirang, RAIN akan menjadi MC untuk bagian pertama dan akan tampil mengisi acara pada bagian kedua.
Semoga para Cloud sister di Amerika bisa mendapatkan tiket untuk acara ini!
[Info lebih lanjut tentang cara mendapatkan tiket bisa dibaca di sini.]
Spanish Translation by Benghi
RAIN partirá a Washington D.C.,en el 7 de Mayo hora de Corea
DEMA ha confirmado que RAIN y Sangchu serán los dos únicos soldados de entretenimiento que irán a Washington DC para participar en la Alianza 60a de Corea /Estados Unidos -el evento de celebración del aniversario.
Ellos saldrán de Corea en el 7 de Mayo hora coreano,y se quedarán en Washington durante una semana.
En el evento Arirang World Peace Festival,RAIN será MC para la primera parte y va a dar una representación en la segunda parte.
Espero que nuestras hermanas en los Estados Unidos serán capaces de obtener las entradas para el evento!
[Pentru mai multe informatii pentru cum ati putea obtine bilete pentru eveniment,va rugam cititi aici.]
Romanian Translation by Benghi
RAIN va pleca la Washington D.C. pe data de 7 Mai (ziua din Coreea de Sud)
DEMA a confirmat că RAIN si Sangchu vor fi singurii doi soldati de divertisment,care vor merge la Washington D.C., pentru a participa la celebrarea "Aliantei de 60 ani dintre Coreea de Sud-SUA" .
Ei vor pleca din Coreea de Sud pe data de 7 Mai (timp coreean),si vor rămâne la Washington pentru aproximativ o săptămână.
La Arirang Peace Festival,RAIN va fi MC pentru prima parte si va da o performanta în a doua parte.
Sper că surorile noastre din SUA va fi capabile de a obtine bilete la eveniment!
[Para más informaciónes sobre cómo conseguir entradas para este evento,por favor leen aquí.]
Reminder: Attention!!! My RAIN Event
Posted by
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Please refer to this post for detailed information
Deadline of the event is 31 May, 2013
Please upload your video to YouTube and send your link to
Additional items have been added to the 1st prize:
Back to the Basic CD: 5
The winning videos will be uploaded to after the result is announced.
This is an event for fans to show their talents by performing their own versions of Rain's songs and dances^^
Thursday, 2 May 2013
In researching the JiArt Media company, a different email address was found than what was originally given out by ROK_MND at twitter. An email was sent to find out if this email was a valid contact. A response has been received.
For those wanting to inquire and gain tickets to the Arirang World Peace Festival being held in Washington, D.C. at the Warner Theatre on May 8, you may use this email address:
Include in your email:
Introduce yourself to them.
Provide the participants' English names and the number of participants in
this email application.
Spanish translation by BiArashi
En la investigación de la empresa de medios de JiArt, se encontró una dirección de correo electrónico diferente de lo que fue originalmente concedido por ROK_MND en twitter. Fue enviado un correo electrónico para averiguar si este correo electrónico fue un contacto válido. Ha sido recibido una respuesta.
Para aquellos que quieran investigar y conseguir entradas para el Festival Arirang de Paz Mundial, que se celebra en Washington, D.C. en el teatro Warner el 8 de mayo, se puede utilizar esta dirección de correo electrónico:
Incluir en tu email:
Preséntate a ellos.
Proporcionar nombres ingleses de los participantes y el número de
participantes en esta aplicación de correo electrónico.
Romanian translation by Benghi
În cercetarea companiei JiArt Media, o adresă de e-mail diferita a fost găsita fata de cea ce a fost initial data de ROK_MND la Twitter.Un e-mail a fost trimis pentru a afla dacă aceasta adresa de e-mail a fost un contact valabil. Un răspuns a fost primit.
Pentru cei care doresc să se intereseze si să câstige bilete la Festivalul Arirang World Peace care va avea loc la Washington, DC, la Teatrul Warner pe 8 mai, puteti folosi această adresă de e-mail:
Includeti adresa e-mail:
Furnizati numele in limba engleză ale participantilor si numărul de participanti
la această aplicatie prin e-mail.
Indonesian translation by RLC
Saat meneliti lebih lanjut perusahaan JiArt Media, sebuah alamat email yang berbeda dengan yang diberikan oleh ROK_MND di twitter telah ditemukan. Sebuah email telah dikirimkan untuk mengetahui apakah email ini adalah kontak yang valid. Dan sebuah balasan telah diterima.
Bagi mereka yang ingin bertanya dan mendapatkan tiket untuk menghadiri acara Arirang World Peace Festival yang akan diselenggarakan di Washington, D.C. di Warner Theatre pada tanggal 8 Mei, Anda dapat menggunakan alamat email ini:
Sertakan dalam email Anda:
Perkenalkan diri Anda kepada mereka.
Berikan nama dalam Bahasa Inggris dan jumlah peserta dalam email applikasi ini.
For those wanting to inquire and gain tickets to the Arirang World Peace Festival being held in Washington, D.C. at the Warner Theatre on May 8, you may use this email address:
Include in your email:
Introduce yourself to them.
Provide the participants' English names and the number of participants in
this email application.
Spanish translation by BiArashi
En la investigación de la empresa de medios de JiArt, se encontró una dirección de correo electrónico diferente de lo que fue originalmente concedido por ROK_MND en twitter. Fue enviado un correo electrónico para averiguar si este correo electrónico fue un contacto válido. Ha sido recibido una respuesta.
Para aquellos que quieran investigar y conseguir entradas para el Festival Arirang de Paz Mundial, que se celebra en Washington, D.C. en el teatro Warner el 8 de mayo, se puede utilizar esta dirección de correo electrónico:
Incluir en tu email:
Preséntate a ellos.
Proporcionar nombres ingleses de los participantes y el número de
participantes en esta aplicación de correo electrónico.
Romanian translation by Benghi
În cercetarea companiei JiArt Media, o adresă de e-mail diferita a fost găsita fata de cea ce a fost initial data de ROK_MND la Twitter.Un e-mail a fost trimis pentru a afla dacă aceasta adresa de e-mail a fost un contact valabil. Un răspuns a fost primit.
Pentru cei care doresc să se intereseze si să câstige bilete la Festivalul Arirang World Peace care va avea loc la Washington, DC, la Teatrul Warner pe 8 mai, puteti folosi această adresă de e-mail:
Includeti adresa e-mail:
Furnizati numele in limba engleză ale participantilor si numărul de participanti
la această aplicatie prin e-mail.
Indonesian translation by RLC
Saat meneliti lebih lanjut perusahaan JiArt Media, sebuah alamat email yang berbeda dengan yang diberikan oleh ROK_MND di twitter telah ditemukan. Sebuah email telah dikirimkan untuk mengetahui apakah email ini adalah kontak yang valid. Dan sebuah balasan telah diterima.
Bagi mereka yang ingin bertanya dan mendapatkan tiket untuk menghadiri acara Arirang World Peace Festival yang akan diselenggarakan di Washington, D.C. di Warner Theatre pada tanggal 8 Mei, Anda dapat menggunakan alamat email ini:
Sertakan dalam email Anda:
Perkenalkan diri Anda kepada mereka.
Berikan nama dalam Bahasa Inggris dan jumlah peserta dalam email applikasi ini.
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