Monday 25 March 2013

20 March Friendship Bridge concert fan account

Credit: DC.  Thanks to Korean fans for providing the various accounts.
English translation by huhuhuhu @TheCloud

20 March Friendship Bridge concert in Seoul

Many fans sat in the front on the left side of the concert hall holding silver tassels to cheer for our RAIN. They were particularly happy when our RAIN turn to their side and acknowledged them quite often during his performance.  A fan gave her advice: bring silver tassels with you, the more tassels you have the more eye contact you may have with our RAIN ^___^

In the middle of singing Hip Song, our CORPORAL JUNG greeted the audience: "Nice to meet you all.  Are you doing well? Many fans came today!  It won't be long till we will meet again.  Until then, fighting!" 

Our CORPORAL has lost a lot of weight. A lucky Korean fan who managed to shake hands with our RAIN wrote about her wonderful experience:

As a polite cloud she had to wait until the end of the concert ,so she did not dash out to follow our CORPORAL JUNG when he finished his performance.  She and her friends waited outside afterwards but did not see him.  A gag singer came out, saw the large crowd and commented "I believe there is such a large crowd because Rain is here today!"

The fans waited for a long while and still did not see our RAIN, so they decided to leave.  On their way they saw a DEMA bus so they took the opportunity to ask the driver about our CORPORAL.  The kind driver told them he hadn't come out yet so the five of them decided to wait there.

Soon they heard noises from the KBS hall and saw our RAIN walking towards their direction.  He walked in big strides while fans around him had to run to catch up with him.  In an instant our RAIN was right in front of them.  Intuitively they called out "OPPA, OPPA" and held out their hands.  Our RAIN saw them and shook hands with them. 

Our RAIN then got into the DEMA bus and sat at the back. KCM followed and drew down the curtain. In between this short moment they saw our RAIN's beautiful jawline and his white jade skin.

Our RAIN continued to wave to the fans from his seat after he got into the bus.  As the bus left, he turned and waved goodbye again to fans from the rear window.

Another fan took this picture showing our RAIN leaving the concert place.

She said she did not want to use flash as it may cause discomfort to our RAIN so the picture came out quite dark.  Our RAIN was the first to come out, his pose well fitted to that of a squad commander^__^  and his hand is very warm!!

Romanian translation by Benghi
20 Martie Friendship Bridge Concert in Gyeryong

Multi fani au stat in fata din partea stanga a salii de concert tinand in mana pampoane argintii pentru a-l ovationa pe Rain al nostru. Ei erau foarte fericiti cand Rain al nostru s-a intors pe partea lor si i-a recunoscut destul de des in timpul performantei sale. Un fan si-a dat un sfat : aduce-ti pampoane argintii cu voi , cu cat mai multe pampoane , cu atat mai multe contacte vizuale poti avea cu Rain al nostru ^__^

In mijlocul melodiei Hip Song, caporalul nostru Jung a intampinat audienta : " Imi pare bine sa va cunosc pe toti. Sunteti bine? Multi fani au venit astazi! Nu va dura mult pana ne vom intalni din nou. Pana atunci,FIGHTING!"

Caporalul nostru a pierdut mult din greutate. Un fan corean norocos care a reusit sa dea mana cu Rain al nostru a scris despre minunata sa experienta.

Ca un Nor politicos, ea a trebuit sa astepte pana la sfarsitul concertului, asa ca ea nu a pornit sa-l urmeze pe Caporalul nostru dupa ce si-a terminat prestatia. Ea si prietenii ei au asteptat afara dupa aceea dar nu l-au vazut. Un comediant a iesit, a vazut multimea si a spus : " Cred ca aceasta multime se afla aici datorita prezentei lui Rain astazi aici !"

Fanii au asteptat pentru mult timp si tot nu l-au vazut pe Rain al nostru, asa ca au decis sa plece. Pe drumul lor , ei au vazut un autobuz DEMA , si au profitat de oportunitate in a-l intreba pe sofer despre Caporalul nostru. Blandul sofer le-a spus ca nu iesise inca asa ca cei cinci s-au decis sa astepte acolo.

In curand ei au auzit zgomote din Sala KBS si l-au vazut pe Rain al nostru mergand catre ei. El mergea cu pasi mari in timp ce fanii de langa el trebuiau sa alerge sa tina pasul cu el. Deodata, Rain al nostru era chiar in fata lor. Intuitiv, ei l-au strigat " Oppa , oppa " si si-au intins mainile. Rain al nostru i-a vazut si a dat mana cu ei.

Dupa aceea, Rain al nostru a urcat in autobuzul DEMA, si s-a asezat in spate. KSM l-a urmat si a tras perdeaua. In acest scurt moment, ei i-au vazut ferma linie a maxilarului si pielea lui alba ca de jad.

Rain al nostru a continuat sa faca cu mana fanilor de pe scaun dupa ce a urcat in autobuz. Cand autobuzul a plecat, el s-a intors si le-a facut fanilor cu mana din geamul din spate.

Alt fan a luat aceasta poza si l-a aratat pe Rain al nostru plecand de la locul concertului.

Ea a spus ca nu a vrut sa foloseasca blitz-ul pentru ca putea sa-i cauzeze discomfort lui Rain al nostru asa ca poza a iesit cam intunecata. Rain al nostru a fost primul care a iesit, prezenta lui este cea potrivita unui Comandant de Echipa ^_^ Si mana lui este foarte calda!!

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