Sunday, 6 November 2011

RAIN ~ Our Special Warrior

From Yonhap News
Translation by rain bird taken from @CloudUnite's tweet

[NEWS/TRANS] 2011.11.06 #Rain is chosen as a first-class marksman, displaying a superb shooting performance during the rifle drills.

Rain received a perfect score in day and evening rifle drills, each.

Singer and actor Rain who entered the military last 11th, has been chosen as a first-class marksman, displaying a superb shooting performance during the rifle drills.

According to the material submitted by the Ministry of Defense released on the 6th, 19 of 20 targets and 10 of 10 went down before Rain's shooting at a training camp for recruits, called 'Key', on the day and night of the 26, respectively, and he received a perfect score.

Usually, over 18 of 20 shots and over 9 of 10 are admitted as perfect scores on day and night shoots, each.

Ahead of his release from the boot camp upcoming 14th, Rain has been included in the top 3 of those having over 60% accuracy rate of 140 recruits who participated in the exercises, so he is likely to be a special warrior.